Thursday, April 21, 2022

Bukber Bocil Sultan Artis

Bukber Artis

Bukber Sultan


Bocil Jaman Sekarang Udah Bisa MABAR
Buka Bersama dan Berbagi Takjil Bareng Komunitas Innova System Drive Thru, sehingga tidak menimbulkan kemacetan dan mengganggu pengguna jalan raya. Semoga dapat menginspirasi bagi komunitas lain dalam hal positif #TIOCI #innova #takjil #TempatBukber -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tag : Bukber artis, Bukber on the road 2022, Bukber genta buana, bukber garasi drift, bagi takjil gratis, bagi takjil dibuang, bagi takjil 2022, bagi takjil di jalan, bagi takjil kristen, bukber makanan pedas, bukber nih ye, bukber trans7, bukber vindes,, menu bukber artis, menu bukber keluarga, menu bukber anak, menu bukber simple, menu bukber sederhana, menu bukber viral, bukber sultan, film pendek ramadhan, short movie bukber, menu bukber sultan Bocil Jaman Sekarang Udah Bisa MABAR Online Main game, kadang lupa belajar bahkan lupa makan 😅 . Kalau pas di luar rumah pun sudah ngerti minta tahering hotspot wifi -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tag : Bocil artis, bocil sultan, bocil lucu, bocil official, bocil lebih pintar, mikaelfamily,, short film, video short bocil, bocah gamer, bocil gamer, mabar ff, bocil mabar, bocah cilik nyanyi, bocah cilik berenang, bocil ngaji, bocil berantem, bocah pintar.

Sunday, April 10, 2022


My n a m e is Matthais Michael, the Director of Financial Security and Trust F u n d Builders, our company was contracted to release your Covid-19 Compensation p a y m e n t to you on behalf of the UNITED NATION (UN). Your payment R e l e a s e Code is: CNG/3480/04/00. The Total amount payable to you is US$7.5 Million.

You are to reconfirm the following information to enable us determine that we are dealing with the right b e n e f i c i a r y, also the receipt of your information will facilitate the processing of your payment:

1 F u l l Name:
2 Residential address:
3 A g e:
4 Occupation:
5 D i r e c t telephone n u m b e r s:

After verification of your Information, you will be contacted with detailed i n f o r m a t i o n of procedures for the immediate release of your payment to y o u without any hitch whatsoever.

Send the requested information so we can proceed accordingly.


Mr. Matthais Michael